Each of the 174 Australian sheep dead on arrival at S'pore for korban ritual costs $499

Which is less than half the price of an iPhone 6 that costs $1,288.

Belmont Lay| October 07, 12:39 AM

How much is a life worth?

Well, if you're a sheep from Australia, you're priced at $499 apiece, which is significantly less than half the price of a brand new iPhone 6 plus in Singapore that costs some $1,288.

In case you haven't heard: A total of 174 out of 2,200 sheep from Australia didn't make the five-hour flight and somehow decided to die while en route to Singapore.

The survivals arrived on Oct. 2, 2014, in time for the korban ritual on Oct. 5, where more than 3,000 animals -- including 1,700 sheep from Ireland -- are slaughtered with their meat distributed to family, friends and the needy.

Korban is the Islamic ritual commemorating Prophet Ibrahim's obedience to God because of his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail.

In the Christian version, this father-son duo is better known as Abraham and Isaac.

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) said this was the first time so many deaths had occurred in such a consignment.

The usual number of deaths is just five to seven usually.

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) is examining the carcasses.

The most likely cause of death, though, is heatstroke, as the possibility of infectious diseases is low because the flight time of five hours was too short for diseases to take hold and spread.

But what is really news is that an entire sheep, which can be turned into a hearty stew to feed hundreds of people, is priced less than a mobile phone.

Now think about that, all you Apple sheeples.



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