15 Must-haves in the NDP 2014 Mash-up Song

Like our pioneer generation, it's time we honour the past NDP songs.

Mothership| July 09, 10:05 PM

By Jeff Cheong

Have you seen the latest National Day Parade (NDP) 2014 Mash-up Song?

Like a good rojak dish, there are many key ingredients that made a song about Singapore, a truly NDP song.

I love the new mash-up and it’s nicely produced.

I imagined myself as the editor doing the video and came up with 15 golden rules:


1. Big typo against HDB – it’s the ‘in-thing’ for typo treatment these days.



2. Capture beautiful lens flare and add hipster colour treatment.



3. Show how common space and subtly introduce multi-cultural interaction. Shoot through some out-of-focus foreground elements.



4. Show multi-cultural songstresses and add more out-of-focus foreground elements.



5. Show more multi-cultural interactions with our children playing. Make them jump and smile. A lot.



6. Show the success of this 'live' performance by capturing passer-by capturing the shoot.



7. Intro FT #01



8. Intro FT #02



9. Inter-racial harmony important to show.



10. Inter-generation ties also very important.



11. Shoot colourful portraits like Singaporean of the Day. And show cute girl in the end.



12. Show inclusiveness from all parts of society.



13. Need to have group shot. Use all the crew. Go tight so that it looks like 500 people and ignore the man in the background.



14. Bokeh! Lots of it please.



15. Wrap up shot with crowd clapping. Damn it the man in the background is now reading. No time to DI him out. Live it.




This post first appeared on Jeff Cheong’s Facebook page. Cheong is a multicultural thinker and artist, chef, dad and designer. He is the creator of the Singaporean of the Day project, a project that celebrates the dreams and hopes of Singaporeans. Follow his twitter account here.   


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