Someone boasted on Facebook about malingering to get out of NS, SAF says it's investigating

It's probably easy to find out the person who malingered because there aren't that many PES F servicemen around.

Belmont Lay| June 15, 03:41 PM

The Singapore Armed Forces has issued a statement via its Facebook condemning the actions and subsequent confession of a malingerer.

The SAF wrote: "It is regrettable that a Singaporean blogger has boasted about how he managed to dishonestly and blatantly get himself discharged from National Service".

This statement comes two days after someone posted anonymously on SAF Confessions Facebook page boasting about how he managed to feign illness to get downgraded to PES F status to avoid serving NS.

In the original confession post on June 13, 2014, the anonymous person wrote about details on how he planned his illness convincingly way ahead of his enlistment to how he avoided getting caught by the Military Police while in the process of getting excused from serving NS.

You can read the original confession here:


This is the SAF's response:


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