Pioneer Generation Package videos explained in Teochew, Hokkien are the most useful thing for all S'poreans

If only all policies could be explained like this the very first time they get rolled out.

Belmont Lay| June 14, 02:26 AM

In a bid to clear the air and not appear as obscurantist paper-pushers who are way to smart at formulating policies that only they themselves understand, the government has started producing videos in local vernacular dialects to explain the Pioneer Generation Package to Teochew and Hokkien speakers.

The latest video in Teochew published a week ago on June 6, 2014, has been viewed about 10,000 times on YouTube:

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The previous video, in Hokkien, that was uploaded on March 28, 2014, has been viewed more than 100,000 times on YouTube. It was also aired on MediaCorp's Channel 8.

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The good news is that the two videos have been simplified to the extent English/ Mandarin audiences will benefit from watching it.

Some facts gleaned about the Pioneer Generation Package include:

1. Depending on your age in 2014, you will receive a $200 - $800 Medisave top-up every year, for the rest of your life.

2. When you visit a doctor at a polyclinic or Specialist Outpatient Clinic, you will get an additional 50% off subsidised bills. There are also discounts at private clinics, as long as they have a CHAS sticker.

3. The government will also be subsidising your Medishield Life premium, which will take care of huge hospitalisation bills.

4. In September 2014, your Pioneer Generation card will be mailed to you and there is no need to apply for it.

Hint: The government should consider making videos explaining the Central Provident Fund in dialects as well.

Because if you can explain a policy in Teochew or Hokkien, you can explain it to anyone.


After this article was published, another video in Cantonese was uploaded on June 14, 2014:

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