A 400kg crocodile died at Kranji Reservoir. It was disposed of instead of preserved in a museum.

No autopsy was carried out to figure out how it died.

Belmont Lay| May 04, 04:15 PM

A 3.6m-long, 400kg saltwater crocodile that was discovered dead at Kranji Reservoir about three weeks ago, has been disposed of at a local farm.

The National water agency PUB, which oversees the area where the crocodile died, was informed about the carcass.

The crocodile was deemed relatively young and healthy at its time of death.

However, in The Sunday Times report on May 4, 2014, no reasons were given as to why the dead reptile was not given a proper autopsy to ascertain its cause of death.

Neither was any mention made about why the carcass was not preserved through taxidermy, given that the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum is scheduled to be completed this year.

The Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum is a S$46-million seven-storey 8,500-square-metre museum space that has been earmarked and touted to be used for exhibition, research, education and controlled storage of specimens.

Before its death, the crocodile was frequently sighted by anglers in Singapore. It was even nicknamed Barney by anglers from Fishing-Kaki.com, a local online fishing community.




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