Blogfather Mr Brown's messages to his daughter, who turned 13, causes Internet to melt

Is Mr Brown the most loving blogfather with the most feels?

Martino Tan| March 24, 11:15 AM

Singaporean blogger, Lee Kin Mun, better known as Mr Brown, shared on social media that his daughter Faith Lee just turned 13 years old.

Faith is Mr Brown's firstborn. She does not speak and does not respond to her name easily as she has a severe form of autism.

In his post, Mr Brown's birthday wish for his daughter was that "all her dreams, whether we will ever know what they are, come true".


Below are six more heart-warming messages from Mr Brown about Faith:


1. Mr Brown thanking God for taking care of Faith, when he lost her in the train station.

"And above all, thank God for watching over our firstborn and bringing her back home to us."



2. During his tea session with PM Lee, Mr Brown shared with PM the challenges facing parents with special needs kids. 

"I told PM the challenges facing parents with special needs kids. When Faith reaches 18, her special school, excellent as it is, is no longer able to retain her. This means that she has to go home. It is a huge problem because our daughter is likely to outlive us and without a proper place for her to spend her adult life, we worry for her future. PM knows this is a problem. I hope he gets someone to look into it."


3. Mr Brown on Faith turning twelve.

"My Faith is twelve. She has never called us Papa and Mommy before but she doesn't need to. We know she knows who we are in her life, and we will be her family for the rest of our lives, even if she never says those words ever."


4. Mr Brown's thoughts when he watched Marathon, a Korean movie about an autistic youth training to become a marathon runner.

"I don't know why, but watching the sensitive and very accurate portrayal of what a family with an autistic child goes through made me cry a little. We inhabit that world, and we try very hard not to feel sorry for ourselves or our daughter, but I suppose seeing it captured and crystalised in a movie like this reminded us of all the challenges, the pain, and the love we live through daily."


5. Mr Brown's dinner outing with Faith

"Another day, another face from my oldest. She loves going out these days. Having autism doesn't mean one loses the energy and enthusiasm of a pre-teen. I didn't even need to tell her to put on her going-out shoes."



6. Mr Brown on Faith coming back from special school in her new school bus routine, unaccompanied

"I stayed home to catch her coming home that day. Just wanted to see that all was well, I guess. I don't know why seeing this moment gave me the feels."



Read his full post about his daughter turning 13 here.



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Top photo from Mr Brown Facebook. Other photos from Mr Brown.

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