PM Lee Hsien Loong wished he was born 50 years later

He used "FTW" in his speech to show why he should be younger. Forward to 31 min:34 secs for that moment.

Mothership| January 29, 11:09 AM

Who: Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong spoke to 1,200 undergraduates at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU)'s annual ministerial forum.

When: PM Lee gave the speech "Singapore: Progressing Together" yesterday.

What: He shared with the students what he felt the future held for them and for Singapore, especially with the opportunities presented by a rising Asia and new technology breakthroughs.

How: PM Lee said that Singapore's continued success depends on its people remaining united in the face of three faultlines - 1) race and religion, 2) income gap, and 3) relationship between local Singaporeans and new arrivals.

He commented on the Anton Casey saga, noting that social media complicates the already-sensitive relations between the locals and foreigners here. He added that several Singaporeans might lack restraint online, leading to a vicious "pack behaviour".


Watch his full speech here

Top photo screen capture from here.

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