Everything you need to know about MP Denise Phua's new education model in 60 seconds

No PSLE and streaming! Children in future will enjoy their childhood.

Mothership| January 22, 09:30 AM

Member of Parliament Denise Phua proposed a new education model in Parliament.

She asked that the government start a "pilot cluster of schools" offering 10 years of through-train education, without the need of exams, like the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).

Her suggestions were gathered from women MPs, grassroots leaders, Ministry of Education professionals and the Our Singapore Conversations (OSC) participants.


Below is a summary of her proposal:

1. No PSLE: Offer a straight 10-years of a quality through-train education without exams such as the PSLE.

2. No streaming: Students will not be streamed into Gifted, Express, Normal Academic or Normal Technical as a result of their PSLE performances. Allow students to take a mix of different subjects at either the Foundation, Standard or Advanced level, banded according to their abilities and interests.

3. Fewer Competitive Tests: Students will not be excessively assessed through competitive tests. Students are encouraged to develop their own portfolios and use assessments and tests to self-drive their own learning as much as possible.

4. Service learning in schools: Service to fellow school mates, the school and the nation is a daily exercise. An overseas example: secondary level students take turns daily to feed lunch to their severely disabled school mates who are also located in the same building.

5. Helping the disadvantaged: Schools will make special efforts to help their disadvantaged young, from boarding school to longer school days to the provision of computers, mobile devices and daily nutritious meals.


Education Minister Heng Swee Keat said that he would give the proposal "serious consideration".


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