Facebook and Instagram went down last month (Jan 27). Left with no better alternative, many turned to Twitter to vent their angers for the 50 minutes FB disappeared.
It was not the first time we had to survive this tragedy - Facebook had two outages last year - June 19 and August 1. The Aug 1 outage was even longer, at 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Just how prevalent is Facebook in your life, and how tormenting were those 50 minutes?
Below are 13 tell-tale signs that you cannot live without Facebook.
1. Instead of asking for the number of someone whom you have just met, you ask them for their FaceBook account instead.
You experience the urge to add every single person you’ve just met on FB
When you do not meet anyone new for the day, you look through “people you may know” and see if something comes up.
On slow days like these, you are almost tempted to accept friend requests from your Mom and relatives.
Ironically, you would also probably lose half of your friend count if not for Facebook because of the number of birthdays you just can’t seem to keep track of.
Yes, including that of your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s.
2. You message your friends on FaceBook even though you’re already using platforms such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, WeChat and Line.
And we always wonder why apps take up so much of the memory space on our phone.
3. You have to deactivate your Facebook account during exam periods.
Willpower 0. Facebook 1.
4. You think you owe Facebook for allowing you to know the major events that are happening around the world.
You wouldn’t know that you’ve been boiling pasta wrongly your whole life.
Or that you have been eating cupcakes the barbaric way.
In the Singaporean context, you’d be a mountain tortoise.
5. Your day is ruined when a post you spent the whole day curating receives only 9 likes. Not even a double digit?!
You then try to sound really deep or post an artsy picture. When neither work, you half-wished you had added your relatives in #1.
6. You get excited when you see 9 notifications on Facebook.
Even if 7 of them are requests for lives online and one of them is a request to like a page.
7. You go the craziest lengths when overseas to take a photo, just so you’d get a “profile pic worthy” shot.
8. You continue sending requests for Candy Crush lives even at the risk of your actual life.
9. If you are not one of those in #8, you are probably one of the others who rant about game requests on your status.
And hope your Facebook friends will like or comment on your post.
10. Facebook is your default browser tab.
But you wonder why your friends ask you why you are always online.
11. You use it to buy and sell textbooks. And basically to advertise for everything else.
Including your relationships.
12. You participate in Facejack because it is the “in” thing
It involves changing your friend’s profile photo to that of a pig’s or of yourself.
It also involves adding your friend’s crushes on Facebook, or adding funny life events.
It definitely involves changing your friend’s gender, and finally birthday to the next day.
13. You would gladly choose Facebook over other addictions.
And black-mail your friends emotionally to like and share your post.
Please like and share my article, okay?
Top photo from here.
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