The biggest question that concerns PM Lee Hsien Loong after his National Day Rally speech

8 more hours left before the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge expires.

Martino Tan| August 20, 07:41 AM

Will he or will he not?

It has been more than 16 hours since Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has been nominated by actor George Young and comedy site Sgag to take up the Ice Bucket Challenge.

His Facebook page has been silent since the challenge was issued - will PM Lee say 'challenge accepted'?



What is the Ice Bucket Challenge?

The challenge involves dumping a bucket of water filled with ice over one's head, posting it on social media and challenging three other people to do the same. If he or she fails to do so, he/she will pledge $US 100 to ALS research. According to the Wall Street Journal, it got its start among golfers as a way to support pet charities.

In just a few weeks, the challenge has become a major fundraising phenomenon for patients and organizations with ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder, commonly called the Lou Gehrig's disease.

The campaign has gone viral in America, with a whole array of personalities taking part in the challenge. They include Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and celebrities Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, Robert Downey Jr.


Anyway, here are eight reasons why we think PM Lee will pour cold water to this idea.

1. Even American President Barack Obama decline this made-in-USA challenge. Why should PM Lee do it?

The White House statement: "The President appreciates Mrs. Kennedy thinking of him for the challenge – though his contribution to this effort will be monetary. The President will be making a donation to an ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) charity this week.”


2. Maybe his throat is still sore after speaking for more than three hours last Sunday.


 Throwing ice will not help his throat - many people scream when ice water was poured unto them. 

3. He might arrow Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin instead. 

Minister Tan has gotten himself wet for charity before. 


4. Why donate to an overseas organisation who already fund-raised $15.6 million


 How about donating to a local cause instead? National Kidney Foundation? Fund-raising has hit a rough patch after T T Durai's saga.


5. Don't waste water. Remember why we have to drink "sai zui" (NEWater) in the first place?

Source: Sgag

You do not want Water Wally watching you shower again.


6. A $100 donation seems like a derisory amount. PM would like to donate $5,000 instead.

7. Or more. In fact, he donated $350,000 in 2012 to community initiatives and education.

Source: Lee Hsien Loong Facebook

Fareez, a social worker in the photo, was one of the recipients for PM social service award, an award to encourage Singaporeans to pursue careers in social service.


8. Finally, no one wants to see PM in a wet t-shirt.

Source: Lee Hsien Loong Facebook

Ever again.


Top photo from Lee Hsien Loong Facebook.

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