16 language redundancies even Singlish can't cure

ATM Machine and free gifts aren't redundant, but some words are

Jonathan Lim| July 03, 04:18 PM

We use Singlish to express ourselves with as little words as possible, but some times we are guilty of using extra words that need not be there.

So here are 16 examples you can try ridding from your life:


1. ATM Machine

Just ATM, there's no need to say machine, unless you like repeating words that have been shortened for you.


2. PIN number

Same story here.


3. COE Certificate

If you're paying $70,000 for a piece of paper, I guess you can call it certificate twice.


4. PSLE Examination

An examination so epic, you have to say the word twice.


5. A baby boy/girl is born

A girl/boy is born should suffice. We've never heard of an adult being born, so you can omit the 'baby'.


6. Unexpected surprise

Your surprise party sucks if it is expected.


7. Armed gunmen

Gunmen. Guns. Already armed.


8. MPS session

MPSes are very long, but there's no need to call it a session session.


9. Please RSVP

RSVP, or Répondez S'il Vous Plaît in french, means 'respond please'. If you are insincere with your wedding invite and are using it as an opportunity to get more red packets, I guess it's all right to say 'Please RSVP' or 'Please respond please'.


10. LCD display

Liquid Crystal Display or LCD is what most televisions utilise today. LCD display, however, is Liquid Crystal Display display, a technology no one employs yet.


11. IPPT test

Test, test. Mic test, 1 2 3. Just IPPT, there's no need to put a 'test' behind.


12. Reason is because

The reason is ... You don't have to use 'because'. The reason is it is redundant.


13. Actual fact

Facts are actual. If they are not, they would not be called facts.


14. CTE expressway

An expressway that is usually so jammed up, you wonder why you should even call it an expressway, twice.


15. Free gift

All gifts are free. There's something very wrong if you have to pay for a gift you are receiving, unless you are getting scammed.


16. Join together

Have you tried joining something apart?


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