10 annoying interview questions that we all have to answer

Better prepare some kick-ass stock replies to these questions.

Nicholas Patrick| July 22, 11:49 AM

As part of the job hunt, there isn’t much that is more intimidating than a job interview.

It is an experience where we are put under the qualifications microscope to determine if we would be a good fit for a company.

Except, what are interviews if not just an opportunity to either brag about your own awesomeness or an exercise of your lying skills?

Before you attempt to apply for some of these kick-ass looking positions, you will probably have to answer annoying interview questions such as these 10.


1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Sometimes I feel like jumping across the table, grab the interviewer by his/her collar and say, “I want your job B***H!”

How about you? No? So it’s just me then? Ok.

In modern times, it feels like the only honest answer would be, “Wherever the welfare is good – be it money, happiness, satisfaction etc.”

Why do they persist with this question?

Standard safe and boring answer: "I would like to lead a team to <insert business objective here that will help the company make more money>."


2. Why do you want to work for us?

“Well Sir, because I want to work for a company that is the beacon of what is right in this world in terms of progress, humanity and service excellence. And also because you are… wait what’s your name? James is it? Well, because I want to work under a great person like you James.”

At times, the reality of the job market forces people to apply for jobs they don’t want so they can earn a decent living and feed their family. And in those times, what could possibly come from asking a question like that?

Standard safe and boring answer: "I believe in the work your company does. Such as <insert business objective here that will help the company make more money>."


3. If you were an animal, which would you be?

“I’d say a bear. I work 3 months, give or take, out of a year; eat like a king; hibernate and pro-create the rest of the time. What could be better?”

Questions like these only serve to see if you have come prepared since no one really has the time to wonder what sort of animal they would be.

Standard safe and boring answer"I would like to be an eagle. Sharp eyes can spot <insert business opportunities here that will help the company make more money>."


4. What is your greatest weakness?

“My greatest weakness is answering this question…so next one please.”

Every time someone asks me that question, I ask myself, where do I begin? But of course at that point in time, suddenly I struggle to find the things I completely suck at.

If only there was a phone a friend option during an interview. We would all call our parents. They don’t hold back when it comes to our weaknesses!

Standard safe and boring answer"My weakness is my inability to let go of a <insert business objective here that will help the company make more money> project unless it is perfect by my standards."


5. Tell me about yourself?

“Why you want to date me is it?

Many people find this question a little intrusive. Not many people like talking about themselves in Asian cultures.

Standard safe and boring answerTell them how your interests align with their <insert business objective here that will help the company make more money> and how you've grown up wanting to do it.


6. Do you have transportation?

“Why you want me to tompang you somewhere is it?”

It’s understandable when some companies to ask this question – especially if they are looking for delivery people. But what if it is for the position if HR executive?

You think the interviewee is trying to waste time so they can skive off work?

Standard safe and boring answer"I hope to do well enough to afford a car in the near future."


7. Are you planning on starting a family anytime soon? (Usually directed at women)

“You want to see if I want to whack their maternity leave the moment I take the job just ask la! Don’t hide behind questions like that.”

Simply put, this is a form of discrimination that still happens and something needs to be done about it.

Standard safe and boring answer"I hope to do well enough to be able to start a family in the future."


8. I hadn’t had a chance to read your resume yet. Can you tell me what your biggest success was?

“Sure I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Harvard business school before starting Facebook. You saw the Social Network? Yah that’s me.”

Why do they request for our resume if they would rather hear it from us? It’s not easy to come up with a concise resume for each particular job you know!

Standard safe and boring answerThere are no right or wrong answers. Talk about something that highlights how awesome you are without sounding pompous.


9. Are you good at working in teams?


But really, who is going to say no?

Standard safe and boring answer: "Yes".


10. Why do you think I should hire you instead of the other candidates?

“How I know. I dunno who they are.”

I suppose when they ask us a question like that, they are really looking for the person who can convince them that they can walk the talk without knowing for sure if they can.

Standard safe and boring answerThere's no right or wrong answer. Just bad answers that make you sound pompous. Be sincere and be their friend.


What are some annoying questions that have been posed to you?

Disclaimer: We take no responsibility if you botch your interview. Seriously, do your own proper research.


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