Ji Xiang ang ku kueh no other branches outside of Everton Park, founder's elder & younger son seek brand distinction

Their parents founded the brand in 1988.

Winnie Li | November 24, 2023, 02:52 PM



Ji Xiang Confectionery, known for its ang ku kueh, put up an advertisement in the Chinese newspaper stating that it does not have any branches other than the outlet at Everton Park.

Screenshot via Shin Min Daily News

In the advertisement, Ji Xiang Confectionery, which is located in the Outram area, also said its abbreviation is "Ji Xiang Everton" and laid out its website, as well as its Facebook page.

Jack Toh, who currently helms the store, told Shin Min Daily News that he put up the advertisement because he wanted to clarify that there are no business affiliations between his brand and the confectionery chain started by his younger brother, Kelvin Toh.

Website of Ji Xiang Everton helmed by Jack

Website of Ji Xiang Ang Ku Kueh helmed by Kelvin

The confectionery chain, named "Ji Xiang Ang Ku Kueh," was founded by the younger sibling Kelvin with his partners after a disagreement arose between the two brothers, said Jack, the older sibling.

Jack (far right) and Kelvin (far left). Image via Ji Xiang Everton's website

Jack and Kelvin are the sons of the founders of Ji Xiang Confectionery, Toh Poh Seek and Toh Beong Yeo, who opened their store at Everton Park in 1988.

Image via Ji Xiang Everton's website

Jack & Kelvin used to work together at Everton

According to Jack, he and Kelvin used to work at the Everton Park store together.

When the disagreement between them occurred, Kelvin started his own business with the approval and support of their parents.

The branch that opened in Bugis was met with fanfare, and the business has expanded to eight locations.

In the first six to nine months after Kelvin opened his store, their mother would visit it every day to train the staff and provide technical instructions, revealed Jack.

Kelvin allegedly positioned his business as a branch at first

Jack also said that when Kelvin first positioned his store as a branch of the Everton Park store, their parents told Kelvin that they hoped he could make it clear on his store website that the two companies had no business relations or affiliations.

However, Kelvin allegedly responded by stating that he had no control over the marketing side of the brand, as his business partner was in charge of it.

"Kelvin also believed that at the end of the day, the two of us are brothers from the same family, so there isn't a need to draw the line so clearly between our businesses," Jack recounted.

In the end, the family did not pursue this matter further as they considered Kelvin as family, added Jack.

Jack concerned about Everton Park store's reputation

However, recently, Jack claimed the family began receiving feedback from customers that the ang ku kuehs they bought from "stores elsewhere" experienced a drop in quality.

Additionally, business at Everton Park was also negatively affected as its location is relatively remote, causing many customers who believe Jack's and Kelvin's brands belong to the same company to visit Kelvin's stores instead.

As Jack was concerned that the Everton Park store's reputation might be damaged and legal issues might arise if this situation persisted, he decided to put up the advertisement in the newspaper.

Response from Kelvin

In response, Kelvin admitted that competition exists between his older brother's business and his.

"Our stores' names are different because my brother wanted to distinguish them. If customers ask me whether my business is a branch of Ji Xiang Confectionary, I will share that I am the younger son of the founders," Kelvin said.

As for the customer feedback claiming that the quality of the ang ku kuehs at his store had dropped, Kelvin stated he didn't think there was a slip in either the quality or the taste of his products.

"We have always followed the old recipe, so the ang ku kuehs sold at my stores should have no quality issues. However, if the customers bought the ang ku kuehs from our retailers the day after they were made, then the taste would definitely not be as good," he added.

Left family business because family reluctant to modernise it

Kelvin also revealed that the reason he decided to open his own store was because his parents and his brother were reluctant to modernise the family business.

"I have been in the F&B industry for 12 years, so I know we will need to utilise the internet and innovate in order to attract customers. However, my family was unwilling to change, so I had to start my own business. In fact, seven years ago, I spent a couple of months before I was able to persuade my family to start a website and Facebook page for the business."

Kelvin went on to claim that he had always been an independent person, so he had declined financial support from his family.

For now, he only wanted to raise the brand awareness of "Ji Xiang" and let more people enjoy its ang ku kuehs, the younger sibling shared.

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