CPIB probe Iswaran: PAP MPs file Parliament questions following residents' concerns

Other PAP MPs have urged patience and reassured residents.

Fiona Tan | Paul Rin | July 14, 2023, 03:30 PM

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People's Action Party (PAP) Members of Parliament (MP) Tan Wu Meng, Yip Hon Weng and Don Wee have filed parliamentary questions about Minister for Transport S Iswran's assistance in an ongoing Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) investigation.

Tan: What is the CPIB investigation timeline and what is it regarding?

Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC) MP Tan Wu Meng shared on Facebook and Twitter on Jul. 13, 2023 that he had filed two questions for the next Parliament session in August.

Tan said a number of Clementi residents raised their concerns over the matter, prompting him to do so.

He wanted to know whether CPIB's investigation is centred around Iswaran's actions and decisions in an official capacity, or if they were investigating a matter that had fallen under Iswaran’s purview as a public servant instead.

He also wanted Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong to detail the CPIB investigation timeline, and to share why CPIB commenced their investigations on Jul. 11, five days after PM Lee gave his concurrence to open a formal investigation on Jul. 6.

Yip: What are the whistleblowing avenues available?

Yio Chu Kang Single Member Constituency (SMC) MP Yin Hon Weng shared on Facebook on Jul. 13, 2023 that he had also filed questions, citing similar reasons as Tan.

"Many of my residents are concerned about the CPIB investigation case in the news.

Some have approached me directly with questions about the case and others have told me that they were glad that PM was steadfast and did the right thing."

Yip will be asking PM Lee what are the avenues available in ministries for whistleblowing on possible corruption cases.

He also wanted to know how many cases have CPIB investigated as a result of such whistleblowing channels in the past three years, as well as the proportion of cases investigated by CPIB that has surfaced through such avenues in the same period.

Wee: Why is Iswaran on a leave of absence?

Mothership understands that Chua Chu Kang GRC Don Wee has similarly filed questions addressed to PM Lee.

Contrasting the CPIB investigation process for Iswaran with K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishan, Wee wanted to know why Iswaran was placed on a leave of absence.

He made note that Shanmugam and Vivian were not placed on a leave of absence during CPIB investigations into their respective renting of properties at Ridout Road.

A timeline of what's happened so far

The PAP MPs questions came two days after CPIB announced on Jul. 12, 2023 that Iswaran is assisting in its investigations into a case it had uncovered.

The bureau said it could not provide further details as investigations are ongoing.

Prior to this, CPIB had informed PM Lee on Jul. 5 that Iswaran will be a part of their investigations and sought his concurrence to launch a formal investigation.

PM Lee gave his concurrence on Jul. 6 and a formal investigation was launched on Jul. 11.

In a Jul. 12 statement, PM Lee said he instructed Iswaran, who is the transport minister and a West Coast GRC MP, to take leave of absence until CPIB investigations are completed.

During Iswaran's absence, Senior Minister Chee Hong Tat will be Acting Minister for Transport, while his other West Coast MPs will cover his duties.

The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) said on Jul. 13 that Iswaran is to remain in Singapore during his leave of absence, and will have "no access to any official resources and government buildings".

On Jul. 14, CPIB issued a notice of arrest for billionaire Ong Beng Seng, implicating him in the case.

What other politicians have said

Other PAP MPs have chimed in since CPIB's Jul. 12 announcement.

This includes Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, who in a Jul. 12 Facebook post appealed to the public and requested for their "patience to let the CPIB conduct a thorough investigation, and provide its findings in due course" .

Fellow West Coast GRC MP and Minister for National Development Desmond Lee also published a Facebook post on the same day, assuring his residents that he and the rest of the MPs would step up to cover Iswaran's duties in his absence.

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