PM Lee's Chinese New Year 2016 message: Be like a monkey that leaps higher to pick peaches

Challenge accepted.

Belmont Lay| February 07, 01:30 PM

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued his annual obligatory Chinese New Year message via Facebook.

His 2016 Year of the Monkey message is filled with well-thought out transition sentences linking seemingly disparate topics to one another, like he has a lot to say but without sounding like he is all over the place.

So much so, he manged to connect and weave into a narrative that touches on the high number of citizen births in 2015, promote a video about MediShield Life, applaud ordinary Singaporeans by bringing up The Straits Times Singaporean of the Year award, address the bleak economic outlook and concluded by prodding Singaporeans to be like higher-achieving, peach-picking monkeys.

Here is his message in full:

by Lee Hsien Loong on Saturday, February 6, 2016


Top photo via Lee Hsien Loong Facebook

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