A weighing machine in Bukit Batok MRT's Fairprice is not doing its job

It added phantom weight to some vegetables.

Tan Xing Qi| November 11, 04:10 PM

Despite only having one job/purpose, a weighing machine in Bukit Batok MRT's Fairprice supermarket is most likely going to get the sack.

One Ng Chong Kee wrote in to The Straits Times, complaining that the weighing scale is not doing its job.

The machine deemed that the broccoli Ng bought was some 336g heavy but in actual, non-zero gravity fact, is only 200g light.

This after Ng felt that the broccoli felt light and decided to weigh it using a home weighing scale.

With broccoli in hand, Ng went back and got a supervisor to reweigh the vegetable on another weighing machine and voila, it's really 200g.

Ng was charged $2.32 initially but with the actual weight of 200g, she only needs to pay $1.38.

Ng's neighbour also had 'underweight' vegetables

Displaying the much-lauded gotong royong spirit, Ng went to a neighbour who also bought some vegetables from the same outlet.

This neighbour bought the following items and went back to the supermarket to plunge the final nail(s) into the weighing machine's coffin:

- Carrots originally weighed 0.836kg and priced $1.59 (reweighed as 0.694kg and repriced at $1.32, difference: $0.27 cheaper)

- Broccoli originally weighed 0.874kg and priced $6.03 (reweighed as 0.732kg and repriced at $5.05, difference: $0.98 cheaper)

- red chilli originally weighed 0.280kg and priced $1.45 (reweighed as 0.142kg and repriced at $0.74, difference: $0.71 cheaper)

It's not known whether the neighbour had used the same weighing machine.

However, the answer to why can that weighing machine not get its act together is another mystery of life. Let's hope this is just an isolated incident and it'd be great if Fairprice can clear the air.

But seriously, it's time to sack that weighing machine and give the job to Ng's weighing scale at home.



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