4 surefire ways to make your hair turn grey prematurely

Here's the recipe.

Mothership| November 20, 02:29 PM

Never thought you could look like Jose Mourinho? Or George Clooney?

Well, now you can.

Even if you don't have the money, good looks and/or charisma, having a head full of grey hair without the attendant benefits of fame, fortune, self-confidence and the envy of the millions worldwide is just a few solutions away.

Here are four surefire ways to ensure your head full of hair turns grey faster than you can say "Jose Mourinho":


1. Consume an unbalanced diet lacking in vitamins A and B, iron, copper and zinc

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To avoid consuming vitamin A, you would need to avoid eating gingko nuts, chestnuts and walnuts, which are essential to preventing hair from turning grey.

This is so as these nuts provide the body with essential nutrients and micro-nutrients, in their raw or roasted forms, and are all rich in antioxidants.

To cut the amount of vitamin B your body takes in, avoid brown rice, barley and oats that help to supplement your diet.

Stick to eating white rice only instead as the process that involves the complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 67 percent of the vitamin B3, 80 percent of the vitamin B1 and 90 percent of the vitamin B6.

Copper, which gives your hair the oomph it needs to look young and thick, can be found in sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. Therefore, avoid these as well.

And so what if the World Health Organization recommends eating pumpkin seeds as they contain a lot of zinc?

Try not to do what you're told and and cut out those cashew nuts as well.

Lastly, give up on iron altogether by avoiding peanuts and almonds.


2. Be stressed out and worried about things all the time


What you think affects who you are and what you become.

Therefore, try not to relax. This way, you can be worried about things, which in turn, helps you to not be relaxed. How are you going to finance your house? Will you get promoted at your job? How are you going to finance your lifestyle if you don't make enough money?

Overthinking things really helps make your hair turn grey, and perhaps, cause them to fall out faster.


3. Use chemical-laced dyes and products in your hair that can affect your scalp


Why go au naturel? Try some chemical-laced dyes and products on your hair when you have the time. They will make you look cool momentarily, but over time, they can cause serious hair damage, especially without proper treatment.

See that bottle of shampoo that is not made of natural ingredients? Give that whole bottle a shot.

Even better, use electric dryers and excessively warm water to rinse and wash out those chemicals out when you are done having them on your head.

Letting your hair deal with chemicals and treatments of all manner will really make it lose its shine and blackness in no time.


4. Get dehydrated


A few sure ways to get dehydrated is to go for mainly fried and/or spicy food and consuming lots of caffeine, in the form of coffee and tea.

And to really get dehydrated, you must avoid the daily recommended intake of six to eight glasses of water a day. Try to drink none, even.

The lack of proper hydration of the body prevents moisture from carrying the micro-nutrients in your body to the hair follicles.

Once this occurs, greying will happen.


If all these sounds like too much work, why not settle for jet black hair instead?

Preventing the growth of grey hair from the start is cheaper and can help to save money in the long run.


Visit this site to find out more about how to prevent grey hair. You can also contact them to learn more about the hair treatments that they offer.


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