Check out the following 5min 46sec video at the end of this article showing a motorcyclist riding his BMW bike demonstrating superior performance by clocking 140km/h and a bit more on the expressway.
Some of his road antics include: Speeding, overtaking on the left, tailgating, cutting double white line and cutting chevron marking.
Here are some of the highlights:
At 1min 30sec, black car almost wanted to change lanes:
Slows down to accommodate 80km/h speed limit at 1min 41sec:
You can see where speedometer needle is at, assuming motorcyclist is keeping within prescribed speed limit:
Cuts between motorcycle and car at 2min 05sec:
Zooms past LTA enforcement officers at 2min 21sec:
Cuts ridiculously close to Malaysia-registered motorbike at 3min 04sec:
Motorcyclist speaks at 3min 49sec, tells Malaysian motorcyclist to put away handphone:
Bike hits top speed at 4min mark, about 140km/h according to speedometer needle:
At 5min 05sec, rain pelts helmet camera:
At 5min 30sec, passes another 80km/h speed camera trap:
Here's the video:
Rider overworking his guardian angel.
Posted by Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road on Friday, October 2, 2015
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