The 1-hour PM2.5 level in the west of S'pore has breached 442 on Oct. 19, 2015

Shut your windows, hug your loved ones and godspeed.

Belmont Lay| October 19, 11:03 PM

According to National Environment Agency (NEA) official website, the 1-hour PM2.5 level in the west of Singapore on Oct. 19, 2015, at 10pm is 442:



The 1-hour PM2.5 level in the South of Singapore is equally poor at 299.

If the 1-hour PM2.5 level  in the West continues for 23 more hours, it will be viewed as "Hazardous".

According to the realistic PSI reading, it is 461:


The television stations took a while longer to compute the 3 hr PSI.

In fact, they left it blank for at least 15 minutes:



They finally updated the 3 hour PSI at 2315 Hrs:



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