Someone created political party plush toys and only the Workers' Party one makes sense because Thor

The rest are basically, bleh.

Jeanette Tan| August 23, 01:57 PM

Here's the latest thing to hit Singapore's internet space as election fever kicks in:

Singapore’s very own Superheroes - The Super Guardians of Singapore (SGS)MISSION: Captain Singapore...

Posted by Super Guardians of Singapore on Monday, 17 August 2015

Yup, you are indeed looking at a People's Action Party-themed plush toy. His name: Captain Singapore — and it looks like he runs in the league of the Super Guardians of Singapore.

In case this reminds you of Marvel's The Avengers, you're not too far off — no prizes for guessing who's who in all this. Take for instance, "The Original Spidey":

Source Source

Or the DC-inspired "The Red Knight of Singapore":

Source Source

And how about "Supperman"?

Don't ask us how this relates. Source Don't ask us how this relates — or why Supperman has a moustache. Source

There is also "Iron Man" and "The AMK Clawer" (erm):

Pics from here and here. Pics from here and here.

And also apparently the "Y-men, defenders of the little red star"...?

Source Source

But it's likely this entire series of plushies came up only because the one that best matches its corresponding party is of course, this one:

Source Source

Their description for it: "(The Mighty) Hammer Head is the most hardworking and committed of the lot.. He works day and night, walking the ground, attending every single funeral wake, every single void deck wedding. Respect for the Hammer".

And here's the group's description for the whole group of them:

Super Guardians of Singapore (SGS) comprises of a bands of extraterrestrial super humans, each led by their supreme leader with its mission to Serve and to protect the homeland they so loved. As they battled for control and the rights to lead the small nation forward and upwards, we hoped to do our small part by educating the young and the old a little more about their history, manifesto, core values, beliefs and aspiration for the nation in short, bite-size golden nuggets for easy digestion.



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