DPM Teo Chee Hean joins the ranks of guitar-slinging politicians with this rendition of "Hey Jude"

He's killing it. Like, literally.

Tan Xing Qi| July 15, 11:29 AM

In what seems to be a viral video opportunity disguised as an impromptu guitar-playing session, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean plucked up his courage and started plucking the guitar at the home of one of his Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC residents.

To give the performance a totally I'm-not-ready-for-this feel, Teo declared at the start of the video: "I haven't played for a long time already."

Make no mistake, everything happens for a reason – especially with a camera pointing at you.

Under strict instructions from his Pasir Ris resident to play the G chord, followed by the B chord, Teo started strumming while the resident started to sing The Beatles' Hey Jude.


href="https://www.facebook.com/PasirRisWestNews/videos/1467062916922808/">Hey Jude...A Fun Side of Mr Teo Chee Hean

Posted by Pasir Ris West News on Sunday, 12 July 2015


As a result, a classic was left in tatters.

With that, DPM Teo joins a list of politicians who aim to serenade their electorate with the dexterity of their fingers can play the guitar.

Guitar Hero 1: Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth Minister Lawrence Wong

Minister Wong is the ultimate guitar hero.

lawrence wong guitar 1

Who certainly enjoys a good riff.

lawrence wong guitar

And is equally good with the gong.

lawrence wong gong

Skill level: 66.57% (West Coast GRC result)


Guitar Hero 2: Ong Ye Kung

" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

Unfortunately, he ultimately failed to strum his way into Aljunied voters' hearts in 2011. Can he do it at the next General Election?

Skill level: 45.28% (Aljunied GRC result)


Guitar Hero 3: Dr Tan Cheng Bock

One of four Tans in the 2011 Presidential Election, Dr Tan Cheng Bock is a skilled ukuleleist.

" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

Who is also gracious in defeat.

" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

Skill level: 34.85% (Presidential Election result, which may not look so good until you recall he came in a close second)


Guitar Hero 4: NCMP Yee Jenn Jong

Who says only the Men in White can pluck?

Yee Jenn Jong guitar

Skill level: 48.98% (Joo Chiat SMC result)


Top photo from video.

All photos from respective politicians' Facebook pages.


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