4-word saddest story: Singapore Armed Forces edition

Four words of safness.

Jonathan Lim| July 22, 02:26 PM

A Facebook post with a picture simply stating 'Write the saddest story you could think of in 4 words' has gone viral in the past few days.

The original post was accompanied with a four-word story - Harshly stabbed to death - and was shared widely with people around the world adding their own four-word stories.

Most of the sad stories revolved around losing a loved one, not being loved, or not getting basic needs like food and sex met.

We could not resist doing a few related to our time spent doing National Service and In-Camp Training:


1.knock it downSomeone in the platoon screwed up. Time for arm muscle training.



canteen break Adapted from here.

Nothing is more morale-crushing than having your maggi goreng taken away. At least you have packed SFI/Foodfare dinner to look forward to later.




You thought heaven will let you sleep in the bunk?



At least you still have purple light, your rifle and your buddy.


5. everything in everything out

Packed swee swee? Too bad.



Adapted from here. Adapted from here.

This is definitely worse than confinement on a Saturday. At least you can sleep in the bunk when you're confined.



Adapted from here. Adapted from here.

Better clear or you have to go for RT. Or worse... what comes next:


7. RT incomplete

Baris! RT semula!



Adapted from here. Adapted from here.

If you're shorter, sucks to be you then.



Adapted from here. Adapted from here.

When a pass grade is just one 'No count' away...



10.one round missing

Everybody can forget about booking out until the round is found.



Adapted from here. Adapted from here.

Once you go civilian, you can't go back. Staying-in is one of the hardest things to get used to again.



arty drill

Most painful thing ever.


Additional awesome stories contributed by Mothership.sg readers:


Adapted from here. Adapted from here.


Adapted from here. Adapted from here.


Adapted from here. Adapted from here.


Adapted from here. Adapted from here.


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