Unofficial campaigning for General Election 2015 has officially begun

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was on Capital 95.8FM radio selling koyok.

Belmont Lay| May 20, 12:39 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, the General Election is coming. And it looks to be this year in 2015.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was on Chinese-language station Capital 95.8 FM's live weekly programme On Air With Minister on May 19, 2015, to be affable and a tease.

He somewhat let slip that polls will be exceptionally early. Oh wait, or didn't he?

According to Today, Lee was asked when the next GE will be held and he used the analogy of a pregnancy in response.

He said the timing of the GE is unlike giving birth where there is some predictability when the child will be born.

But when pressed if "a baby has been conceived", Lee said cryptically: “The baby has already been conceived earlier on.”

Besides this somewhat creepy sexual allusion to politics, Lee kept up with his teasing with more half-hearted answers.

According to The Straits Times:

"I think it won't be long now," he answered, before adding with a laugh, "at least within the next two years".

The general election must be held by January 2017.

Lee also reiterated his traditional electioneering spiel (read: koyok) that the voters cannot simply vote in the opposition because that would cause succession issues and the government won't function etc. etc. etc.

From ST:

"We can't say, the next Government is already settled, we can give the opposition more of a chance in some constituencies.

"It's a dangerous way to think, because politics is no longer like before. Every seat will see a contest, and so every vote is important and every voter's decision means something. We have to be very careful about it," he said.

However, the signs so far are relatively clear that calling for an early election this year will be beneficial to the incumbent.

The recent outpouring of unprecedented nation-wide grief when founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew died in March could translate into some goodwill extended to the the People's Action Party.

Just recently, BMI Research said elections look likely to be held before the next Budget is introduced and possibly before the end of the year.

Blackbox Research also said in its bulletin in April 2015 that “there has not been a better time for the PAP to begin planning for an early election”, reporting that overall satisfaction with the Government has risen eight points from a year ago.

Bets are open. $20 on September 2015.


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