The differences between slapping or punching someone in S'pore, according to the punishments meted out

We compare the two offences from the media reports.

Martino Tan| May 11, 10:43 PM

A 49-year-old man, Neo Gim Huah, was sentenced to three weeks in jail for slapping teenage blogger Amos Yee.

Is the punishment lenient or harsh?

Fret not, we summarise the differences between slapping & punching someone, according to the media reports about the two prominent offences.

Here’s the wheat without the chaff:

Who- Neo Gim Huah,  49-year-old Singaporean. He runs his own air-conditioning and electrical engineering business. Who- Australian Aaron Peter Jeremicjczyk, 39-year-old Singapore permanent resident. Former marketing manager.
Offence committed

- Slapped Singaporean teen Amos Yee outside the State Courts, after monitoring Yee in his first two court appearances.- Yee was left with a swollen eye.

Offence committed

- Punched jazz singer Dawn Ho, 35, in the face at the Beach Station on Sentosa at about 9.20pm on March 9 last year.- Ho was left with a swollen and bleeding nose.

Evidence available to the public - The incident occurred in full view of the media, and video footage of the 'slap' has made its rounds online.amos-yee-slapped Evidence available to the public - The incident was not caught on camera. It was recounted by the victim on her Facebook.
What led to the offence?- Neo had wanted to teach Yee 'a lesson' and to 'instill fear' in Yee. This was after Yee posted a YouTube video that contained offensive remarks, and subsequently breached his bail conditions. What led to the offence?- Ho said she intervened an argument between Jeremicjczyk and a limousine taxi-driver.

-  The former marketing manager was about to take a cab after drinking at a bar with two friends. But he got angry when he learnt of the $43 fixed cab fare.

Did the victim provoke him? - No. Yee wasn't even eating a banana. Did the victim provoke him? - Yes. Defence lawyer Shashi Nathan said in mitigation that Ho had made provocative, insulting and racist comments about his client which sparked off the incident.
Reaction after the offence- He admitted to voluntarily causing hurt.- He also said he knew it was wrong to slap someone and admitted his mistake. Neo also said that he apologises sincerely. Reaction after the offence- He admitted to causing hurt to her.- Ho told The New Paper that she still has not gotten an apology from Jeremicjczyk.
Punishment- Sentenced to three weeks’ jail. Punishment- Fined for $3,000.


In relation to Neo's case, Channel NewsAsia reported that District Judge Ronald Gwee noted that the premeditated nature of his crime and the choice of location of the incident (in front of the court and the media) were aggravating factors of the case.

Judge Gwee said, “A strong message must be sent to the public at large and particularly to like-minded persons as the accused, that his brand of vigilante justice must never be allowed to take root".


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