If every school is a good school, then every school is a neighbourhood school because technically, all schools are in a particular neighbourhood.
Not that anyone will buy this line of argument.
But come to think about it, what's so bad about neighbourhood schools? You get to mix with people from different backgrounds, up your street cred and, in the process, become street smart.
The best thing? Your raging hormones will be soothed by the presence of the opposite sex.
We don't know what is the scene now but these were what happened to us back in the 90s.
1. Both sexes reacted differently when asked for their numbers
Girls (coy) : "Don't want. But I can give you my ICQ number."
Boys be like (afraid): "What is 369? Multiples of 3? My index number is 18."
2. Cockroach feelers hairstyle for the girls
Accompanied by a Fendi hair clip of course.
3. The Armani hairstyle for the boys
Easy with the Good Look hair gel, big boy.
4. You "networked" at a basketball court

Or you played football at a basketball court. #rebel
5. Girls tucked in their blouses till they couldn't breathe

Anything to accentuate the curves. Anything. Breathing was secondary.
6. Boys tucked out with every opportunity they get

And if you want to go to the arcade? Just wear your PE t-shirt inside out. #logic
7. Ponteng was the buzzword
Long for "pon"
8. You were absolutely engulfed by the J-Wave

Before K, there's J.
9. Corporal punishment was common
Kneel, face the wall, chair over head. Been there, done that.
10. Every teacher is known as "cher"

The real Cher must be sneezing like cray cray.
11. Cheap hair dyes ruled the day

It was good while it lasted.
12. Girls experimented with bras

Remember the X-men?
13. While boys found them very, very distracting
14. Smoking in the toilet was quite the norm

It was that easy to get cigarettes back then.
15. Talking about toilets...

This too was a common sight.
16. Magic cards ruled the school

Behold the Black Lotus! Heard it's worth some $30,000 now?
17. The best time to hit on girls? Uniform group camps.

Great fun.
18. The love-hate relationship with the opposite sex was very intense

19. There was only one pick up line
"Wanna be my stead?"
20. Siao eh was the bae of the 90s.
For example: "He's Andy and he's my siao eh."
True story.
21. There's always a haunted toilet somewhere in the school.

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