8 types of bad bosses Singaporeans have to, unfortunately, answer to

Like a boss.

Jonathan Lim| March 03, 05:15 PM

We all love a good boss. They lead us, nurture us, and help us do great work. But they, like unicorns, are usually just figments of our imagination.

Instead we probably have one of these bosses, or worse, a combination of them:


1.pretend listener

His favourite line is "I value your suggestions" and at meetings his most asked question is "Any views on this?"

But it doesn't matter what you say or how groundbreaking your idea is, the Pretend Listener boss already has in mind what he wants to do. He just wants you to think your opinions matter.



Patience, compassion, and understanding are concepts that have not existed in these bosses.

They have a way to destroy any self-worth you have left. The people who come out from his/her office are usually in tears or one more bad day away from quitting.


3.boss has no kids

They do not understand why employees want to go home at the end of the day.

That's because when these bosses go home, they don't have anything to do but to continue working.


4.machiavellian boss

You never know what is hiding behind their smile.

Every second spent with them is a stressful one. Because you have no idea what you say or do will make them think you're an idiot.

This boss 'kills' you without you noticing.


5.concubine drama

They love to watch the world burn.

They play favourites and lets you know that. They want their subordinates to end up scheming against each other.

Much drama.


6. indecisive

That is why you have some people requesting for "Unlimited Changes" in tender documents.

Bosses like these do not know what they want, they only know what they do not want - which isn't saying a lot actually.



"Your font size needs to be 14.725, not 15."

"The banner's main colour should be R205 G185 B167, not R204 G185 B167."

"Unlimited Changes" was also invented because of bosses like these.


8.meeting addict

Meeting addicts love to gather people around. They do so because they want an audience. They are the ones who love to call a meeting to discuss if there is a need for a meeting on another topic.

They also enjoy calling meetings at 5.59pm. Nice.


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