There's going to be a new junior college called Eunoia; here's how to pronounce it

No, it's not going to be at Eunos.

Jonathan Lim| December 29, 05:15 PM

The Ministry of Education has announced a new junior college that will be offering an Integrated Programme (IP) to its students in 2017.

The new school will be called Eunoia Junior College (EJC).

Most of its students will be IP students from Catholic High School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School and Singapore Chinese Girls' School.

EJC will first be housed temporarily at Mount Sinai until its new campus is ready in 2019 at Sin Ming.

The word 'Eunoia' is the shortest English word containing all five vowels. It means the goodwill towards an audience, either perceived or real; the perception that the speaker has the audience's interest at heart.

In Greek, it means "beautiful thinking" or a "well mind."

And how do you pronounce it?

Here you go:

If you can't hear clearly, just say "You-Noy-Uh"

We give it two days before everyone calls it You Know Ah.


Top image from here.

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