This 90-sec commercial will move your heart then make you go "HAR?!"

I'm still going 'Har?!' after thinking about it for the past hour.

Jonathan Lim| August 18, 11:03 AM

This commercial aired last night on Channel 8 during the 9 - 10pm time slot. If you're at the office now, make sure you have nothing on your plate for the next 90 seconds.

The commercial, titled For The Ones We Love, shows a groom making his wedding speech. He recounts how he met his wife, how perfect she is, and thanked his in-laws for bringing her up.

Anyone who has been through a wedding will know how touching this moment can be - until you hit the end of this commercial, of course:

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Here's what went through my mind as I watched the commercial:

for the ones we love gov sg 1Awww, boy meets girl and falls for her. Nice.

for the ones we love gov sg 2Filial, hardworking, and studious. Marrying her now!

for the ones we love gov sg 3Daughter of the Year award goes to her! Wait, is this going to be some insurance commercial where she's stricken with something and the insurance payout will ensure the financial well-being of her and her parents?

for the ones we love gov sg 4Congrats dude! Never let her go! Hmmm, maybe this is a bank commercial about securing the future for a young family.

for the ones we love gov sg 5for the ones we love gov sg 6for the ones we love gov sg 7Ok this has got to be a branding commercial for some bank or insurance company. Or at least some health product that you're supposed to buy to repay your parents.

Then comes the punchline:

for the ones we love gov sg 8HAR?!

What is the link between this video and the Government's information dissemination portal -

Well played, well played. The commercial did not make sense, but at least you got my attention and retention. But don't cheat my feelings too many times, ok? -_-"


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