61 FairPrice stores giving out free dates, drinks & snacks to Muslim customers to break fast

Now till Apr. 9.

Wong Li Jie | March 12, 2024, 01:35 PM



NTUC FairPrice is giving out free dates, snacks, and drinks for Muslim guests to break fast during this Ramadan period from Mar. 12 to Apr. 9, 2024.

FairPrice will serve the refreshments 30 minutes before and after iftar (the meal observed after evening prayers in Ramadan).

Free dates, snacks, and drinks

Muslim customers will receive a drink such as milk, isotonic drink, or water, and a snack such as beef slice, biscuits, or dates.

These items are available on a while stocks last basis.

According to FairPrice, a total of 60,000 sets of such snacks will be distributed across 61 stores.

This is the 16th year that the initiative has been running, since its first year in 2009.

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Top images from FairPrice's Facebook page and Capitaland.