How to survive the National Stadium crowd for Taylor Swift's S'pore concert

Don't say we never share.

Lee Wei Lin | Wong Li Jie | February 23, 2024, 05:30 PM



So you've gotten tickets to one of Taylor Swift's Singapore concerts.

Or you're intending to camp outside the stadium to listen to the show for free.

Either way, you're probably going to be dealing with a sea of people on Mar. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and/or 9.

Here at Mothership, we've attended our fair share of concerts over the years and found what we think is the most pain-free way of watching the shows.

Our list of concert hacks will hopefully help you save hours of waiting under the sun, among other things. Don't say we never share.

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Skip the bag check queue

Photo by Lee Wei Lin.

We all know how long the lines will take to get your bag checked before you even enter the venue.

Pro tip: there's an express queue for bagless people, so skip the bag to skip the line.

If not, remember to pack light so that your bag check goes as smoothly as possible.

To minimise delays, be sure to check what you can and cannot bring into the stadium: items like mints and cameras (except for the ones on your phones) aren't allowed.

Don't get stuck in traffic

Imagine: you've screamed to your favourite songs. You've danced. You've cried.

Now, you're beat, and just want to get home and crash.

However, you soon find yourself stuck in the traffic because you either drove here or decided to book a cab.

The stadium holds about 50,000 people, which means at most of those people will be trying to leave the venue when the concert ends.

If you don't want to wait for hours just to exit the carpark, your best bet is to take public transport.

Photo from Singapore Sports Hub.

But, there's a part two to this tip: thousands of fellow concertgoers will be trying to squeeze into the bus or MRT too.

Instead of boarding at the CC6 Stadium station, head toĀ nearby stationsĀ (EW10 Kallang, CC7 Mountbatten or CC5 Nicoll Highway) on foot to avoid heavy crowds.

Dress smart

This is Singapore, so naturally, it will be hot and humid - even inside the National Stadium.

Of course, this is a concert, so you'd want to dress up for your best OOTD, but don't forget to dress for your comfort too.

Also, for those who have gotten floor tickets: there will be hundreds of phones raised in the air filming the set.

If you don't want to be watching the show through someone else's screen, wear platform shoes.

The extra height can help give you a clearer view.

Stay hydrated

As we've mentioned, it's hot in the stadium.

But the venue also doesn't allow you to bring water in.

Photo from Singapore Sports Hub.

Instead of purchasing bottled water at the F&B kiosks within the venue (the prices are marked up), here's our hack: bring an empty bottleĀ and fill it up at one of the water coolers once you're inside.

E-tickets are the superior option

Yes, physical tickets make great souvenirs.

But when it already feels like a battle getting in, the last thing you'd want is to worry about forgetting or losing your ticket.

Instead, have the ticket saved to your phone so that you can easily access it at the venue.

Just remember to turn your screen brightness up when scanning the ticket barcode right before you enter.

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Top photos from Taylor Swift's X & by Lee Wei Lin