Polish tourists photographed while sunbathing at Wat Chiang Man Thai temple, apologise

Sunbathing at the temple is seen as culturally inappropriate.

Amber Tay | January 18, 2024, 02:22 PM



Two Polish women went viral after a photo was circulated online showing them sunbathing near Chiang Man Temple in the Mueang district of Chiang Mai on Jan. 14, 2024, according to Thai news outlets Thaiger and The Nation.

The temple is the first and oldest temple in the province. Due to its historical and cultural significance, sunbathing at the location is seen as culturally inappropriate.

The women, aged 19 and 20, have since apologised and expressed regret, reported Khaosod English.

What happened

The photos first circulated online after a tuk-tuk driver took photos of the women sunbathing, and sent them to Thai television network Channel 3 on Jan. 14.

The driver told the media outlet that they raised concerns to a monk, who assured them the message would be relayed to the tour guide responsible for bringing to women to the temple.

However, by the time he departed the temple the driver noticed the women were still there. He said he did not personally approach them due to time constraints, according to Thaiger.

The driver said he returned to the scene after taking care of personal affairs to check on the foreigners, but discovered they had already left.

He decided to send the photos to the media so the women and other foreigners would be "aware of their inappropriate actions" in the Thai temple.

Women apologised and said they were unaware their behaviour was inappropriate

The women told the Chiang Mai Tourist Police that they were unaware such behaviour was against Thai culture and traditions and apologised for their actions, Khaosod English reported.

They also apologised if their actions made the locals feel uncomfortable and expressed strong affection for Chiang Mai.

They also commended the police for explaining to them how to behave at religious places in Thailand.

It was not stated whether someone had reported the women's actions to the police.

Acting abbot said the incident would not be an issue if photographer had informed the women directly

According to The Nation, the acting abbot of Wat Chiang Mun said the incident only happened for a few minutes and the women left soon after being informed of their inappropriate actions.

The acting abbot, who was not named, added that the incident would not have been an issue if driver had chose to tell the women about their inappropriate attire, instead of taking their photo and posting it on Facebook.

The temple only has seven monks and they cannot keep tabs on tourists all the time, said the acting abbot.

Phra Phayom Kanlayano, abbot of Wat Suan Kaew and a well-known Buddhist preacher, advised Thais not to be angry or blame tourists as they may not be familiar with Thai culture or traditions.

"The best way is to explain it to them. I believe that once they realise it, they will not do it again," he said as quoted by Khaosod English.

Similar incident in October 2022

A similar incident happened in October 2022, as reported by Thaiger, where a foreign couple kissed in front of the Wat Si Suphan temple in Chiang Mai.

The action had cause locals to react in anger to the photo, posted on social media, as it is seen as disrespectful to the Buddhist faith.

The Chiang Mai Tourist Police has installed “dos and don’ts” caution signs around popular tourist destinations in the area.

They also said the public can alert the tourist police if they spot foreigners behaving inappropriately.

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