2 grown-ass men spar by Siglap road as vehicles drive by

Guess who won?

Daniel Seow | January 05, 2024, 11:32 AM



Two grown-ass men were spotted punching and tussling with one another by the side of the road in Siglap, near the NTUC Fairprice outlet, on Jan. 3 afternoon.

Their fight was captured in a 26-second clip shared by a Mothership reader, who was visiting the nearby Starbucks outlet.

He was on the way to the store when he saw the altercation on the opposite side of the road at around 4:52pm.

"They just walked up to each other and started fighting," the reader said.

The fight

The clip began with the two man squaring off against one another on the pedestrian walkway.

One man had his shirt off during the fight, while the other man in a white shirt was barefoot, which the reader felt was "super strange".

It also appeared to be drizzling slightly.

Round 1:

Shirtless Man threw a punch, which Barefoot Man blocked.

The latter swiftly retaliated with a jab but Shirtless Man dodged and countered with a blow to the back of his head.

GIF courtesy of Mothership reader.

Winner: Shirtless Man.

Round 2:

Barefoot Man recovered and retreated a step back, while Shirtless Man advanced and maintained a fighting stance.

A person could be heard briefly shouting in Mandarin, "Eh, report police".

Barefoot Man also took the opportunity of the distraction to throw a punch, which Shirtless Man dodged.

GIF courtesy of Mothership reader.

Winner: Inconclusive

Round 3:

Perhaps wanting to end the bout quickly, Barefoot Man attempted to throw a wild haymaker, which did not land.

He also almost tripped over and fell as a result.

Meanwhile, Shirtless Man took advantage of his opponent's confusion and hit back with a vicious left hook, which met its mark.

The two then tussled as a bus drove past, obscuring the fight.

GIF courtesy of Mothership reader.

Winner: Shirtless Man

Police subsequently arrived at scene

The two men could be seen conversing with one another instead of fighting in the next instance.

Shirtless Man bent down to pick up something on the road, before the video ended.

The reader told Mothership that when he came out of Starbucks about 30 minutes later, police were at the scene.

However, the two men were no longer around.

Mothership has reached out to the police for more information on the incident.

Other fights:

Top image courtesy of Mothership reader.