Official portraits of President Tharman & his spouse Jane Ittogi can be collected from Jan. 8 to Mar. 1

Unframed portraits are provided for free to organisations.

Hannah Martens | January 03, 2024, 07:38 PM



The official portraits of President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and his spouse, Jane Ittogi, for display in appropriate places, will be available for collection from Jan. 8, 2024, to Mar. 1, 2024.

Unframed portraits would also be provided for free.

Appropriate places

According to the Istana website, the official portraits should be displayed at appropriate places to ensure they are accorded decorum.

Appropriate public areas include main lobbies (except for lift lobbies), reception counters and auditoriums.

The portraits may also be displayed in public waiting areas of places such as passport and permit offices, polyclinics, hospitals, financial institutions, military establishments, hotels, embassies and country clubs.

However, the portraits should not be displayed at F&B and entertainment establishments such as karaoke lounges, amusement centres, canteens and pubs.

Portraits should be displayed according to guidelines

The website also states the guidelines for displaying the official portraits of President Tharman and his wife.

The portrait of President Tharman must be on the left, while the portrait of Ittogi will be on the right.

Both portraits must be framed and hung as a pair at the same height.

Screenshot via The Istana's website

A plain and simple frame should be used, and a specific dimension of the blue border must be visible when the portrait is framed.

Screenshot via The Istana's website

No other pictures, photographs, emblems or notices should be placed above or immediately beside the portraits.

Only the state crest can be displayed between the portraits and is permitted only for government organs, ministries and Singapore embassies overseas.

Organisations can fill out request form

Organisations can fill out the request form, and once approved, they will receive an acknowledgement email. They must bring the email and the completed request form during collection.

The portraits can be collected at the Istana Heritage Gallery, located directly opposite the Istana Main Gate at the Istana Park.

The portraits can be collected from 9:30am to 12:00pm and 1:30pm to 5:30pm on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).

Top photos via the President's Office