Man, 41, jailed for rubbing exposed crotch against cosplayer's rear at Genshin Impact fan event

He was with his wife and child at the event.

Ruth Chai | January 26, 2024, 02:22 PM



A man brought his family to a Genshin Impact fan event held at the Suntec Convention Centre in October 2022.

While his wife and child went to the toilet, he unzipped his jeans, followed an unsuspecting female cosplayer, and rubbed his exposed private parts against her rear.

Wee Hong Ee, 41, was eventually arrested and sentenced to five weeks in jail after pleading guilty to a charge of molestation on Jan. 25, 2024, TODAY reported.

What happened

Court proceedings revealed that on Oct. 30, 2022, Wee, his wife, and his one-year-old son were at Suntec Convention Centre for a Genshin Impact fan event.

His wife and son went to the toilet at about 6:10pm.

While they were away, he unzipped his jeans to touch himself — failing to notice that someone nearby saw what he was doing.

With his private parts exposed, he followed a female cosplayer, who didn't notice his unusual behaviour as the venue was crowded.

When he was standing behind the cosplayer, Wee started rubbing his exposed private parts against the cosplayer's rear.

The cosplayer felt something touching her but thought it was another cosplayer's costume.

Wee met up with his wife and son after and left with them.

The cosplayer's friend, who saw what happened, told her about Wee's behaviour and reported the incident to the event organiser.

A police report was made that day, and Wee was tracked down and arrested about three months later, on Jan. 27, 2023.

Committing the crime in crowded location aggravating: Judge

Other than pleading guilty to a charge of molestation, Wee had another molestation charge and a charge of doing an obscene act in a public place to be taken into consideration during sentencing.

Wee's defence counsel urged the court to consider a four-week jail sentence, while the prosecution sought a sentence of four to eight weeks.

He said Wee was remorseful, "regrets the hurt caused to his wife and child", and is apologetic to the victim and "apologises for any trauma he might have caused".

The district judge said that while Wee had indicated an early plea of guilt, it was aggravating that he committed his offences in a crowded, public place.

"It is highly possible that offensive self-gratification may not even be detected, and even if detected, the chances are low due to the crowd situation," the judge said.

For molestation, an offender can be jailed for up to three years, fined, caned, or given any combination of these punishments.

Top photo via MiHoyo and Tiktok/@oiizorokun