Indonesia VP candidate Gibran raises eyebrows in 'greenflation' debate with apparent rude response to rival

He "ducked" during the debate.

Brenda Khoo | January 23, 2024, 10:40 PM



Less than a month before Indonesia’s presidential election on Feb. 14, 2024, two vice presidential candidates debated on "greenflation".

However, one candidate's "rude" gesture in response to the other set social media abuzz.

The fourth in a series of five debates, the debate on Jan. 21 revolved around issues including energy, environment, carbon tax, and agrarian matters, CNA reported.

'As simple as that': Gibran

During the debate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the running mate of Prabowo Subianto, took the opportunity to ask his rival candidate Mahfud MD a question on "greenflation", as reported by DetikNews.

Greenflation, or green inflation, refers to an increase in the price of raw materials and minerals associated with the growing demand for renewable – or “environmentally friendly” – technologies.

“How to overcome greenflation?” Gibran asked the ruling Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) candidate.

The moderator stepped in to remind the candidates to explain the term.

In response, Gibran answered, “I didn’t explain this because he is a professor. Okay, greenflation is green inflation, as simple as that.”

Mahfud, who is also the current coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, responded, “What is green inflation? That’s a green economy.”

“The green economy is a circular economy” where products are “produced… used and recycled”, Mahfud explained.

“To overcome inflation, policies are… the easiest,” he said, which are set according to "trend" and "data".

Was Gibran ducking?

In response to Mahfud’s response, Gibran made what seemed to be a “ducking” gesture.

In videos on multiple social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok, Gibran could be seen bending his body, while looking to the right and left. He also appeared to be searching for a missing item.

“I was looking for Professor Mahfud’s answer. I was looking for (the answer but) how come I couldn’t find (it)?” said Gibran while he made the gesture.

“I asked about the issue of green inflation, but you explained the green economy instead,” he went on to say.

Gibran then gave his meaning of green inflation, which according to him was the "expensive" transition to green energy, involving "expensive" research and development.

Gibran's making things up: Mahfud

Rebutting Gibran, Mahfud said that Gibran was “(making) things up out of thin air”, CNA quoted.

“If an academic asks a question like that, it’s not worth answering. There is no point in answering,” Mahfud replied.

The third vice-presidential candidate is Muhaimin Iskandar, the running mate of former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan.

After the debate, Gibran was quoted by Benar News at a press conference, "Whether it’s offensive or not, I leave it to the viewers."

However, CNN Indonesia reported that Gibran apologised to Mahfud, “Thank you professor Mahfud for the evaluation. I apologise if there are wrong words."

Songong & a comedian: reactions

On TikTok, commenters found Gibran’s response “hilarious” and a “comedy”.

“Gibran’s current debate is considered STAN up,” one TikToker said, likely referring to a stand-up comedy.

Some also called Gibran "songong" when commenting on X about his attitude, as reported by Kompas.

In English, "songong" means arrogant, conceited, not knowing customs, or unpleasant, as explained by CNN.

Indonesian voters will be heading to the polls on Feb. 14, where they will cast their ballot to vote between Anies Baswedan, Gerindra's Prabowo Subianto, and PDI-P Ganjar Pranowo.

@aluni35♬ suara asli - aluni

Top image from txtdrpemerintah/X.