Central Public Library reopens with marine-themed space & AI storytelling feature


Ashley Tan | January 13, 2024, 03:32 PM



The Central Public Library reopened on Jan. 12, 2024, after 18 months of renovation, with a host of new features.

Officially reopened by Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo, the library has two key areas — All Things Singapore, and Sustainability and Biodiversity.

Photo from NLB

Marine-themed space

The Children’s Biodiversity Library by S.E.A. Aquarium is the first marine-themed learning space for children in a public library in Singapore, according to a National Library Board (NLB) press release.

It includes coral-like features and digital content from the aquarium, and The Submarine, a room for educational programmes.

Children can also marvel at a collection of marine specimens including shark egg cases and coral skeletons, as well as an outdoor mangrove showcase.

Photo from NLB

Photo from NLB

Mangrove saplings grown in the library's new Courtyard will be transplanted to Singapore's mangrove forest, and there will be "opportunities for children to take part in this process".

Singapore stories

As part of the library's theme of "Singapore: Kaleidoscope", the space will showcase "Singapore-focused murals and artwork", created in collaboration with local artists, and students from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.

Photo from NLB

An immersive space, the Singapore Alcove, also includes Singapore literature and will feature an exhibition that tells stories about local culture and heritage.

The inaugural exhibition, "Lepak Landscapes: Life and Leisure in Singapore", will focus on Singapore's "leisure culture".

Photo from NLB

AI storytelling

At the Immersive Room, visitors can bring stories to life through AI-generated images with the use of an AI application called StoryGen.

Users can select their choice of characters, genre, and story location based on six stories such as Sang Nila Utama, Little Red Riding Hood and The Wizard of Oz, reported The Straits Times.

The images will then be projected on a curved wall in the room.

Photo from NLB

There are also plans for more programmes in the Immersive Room, where users can step into a scene of old Singapore.

Additionally, a new space on level 7 of the library will be catered for Launch — the Business Resource Centre at the NLB — which provides business training and advisory services for aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners, and working adults.

The space will be used to host pitch nights, coaching sessions and business info-literacy workshops.

Top photos from NLB