Pregnancy rate of S'pore teenagers in past 5 years about 4 in 1,000, average age 18

Singapore's hospitals provide comprehensive support to pregnant teenagers.

Khine Zin Htet | January 11, 2024, 04:18 PM



The pregnancy rate of teenagers in S'pore was four in 1,000 from 2017 to 2021.

According to a parliamentary reply in March 2023, about half of them underwent abortion.

Member of Parliament (MP) Don Wee filed another parliamentary question about teenage pregnancy in Singapore on Jan. 9, 2024, asking about the average age of the teenagers mentioned in the statistics.

Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung replied in a written response that the average age of pregnant teenagers, defined as those aged 13 to 19, for the last five years is 18.

Comprehensive support

Ong said that Singapore's hospitals, notably the KK Women's and Children's Hospital and National University Hospital, extend comprehensive support to pregnant teenagers.

The encompassing aid involves antenatal care, screening for sexually transmitted infections and depressive symptoms, counselling services, and educational resources.

Moreover, a multi-disciplinary team comprising professionals from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology team, doctors, nurses, and medical social workers is dedicated to caring for these teenagers.

Support from social service organizations in the community is also readily available.

Support for childbirth

In cases where pregnant teenagers proceed with childbirth, the multi-disciplinary team provides emotional and practical support.

This includes furnishing information and resources regarding pregnancy, offering advice on financial assistance, and ensuring compliance with antenatal and post-natal visits through follow-ups with patients and their families.

Post-childbirth, a review and counselling on contraceptive options are offered to these teenagers.

Support for abortion

For those seeking abortions, Ong outlined a mandatory pre-abortion counselling process with a trained counsellor.

Unmarried teenagers below 16 years of age are specifically required to undergo this counselling at the Health Promotion Board Counselling Centre.

During these sessions, besides information on the abortion procedure, teenagers are educated on issues such as responsible love and sexual behaviour.

Moreover, advice on contraceptive methods and social support to prevent repeated unplanned pregnancies is provided.

Those needing further assistance are directed to Family Service Centres or helplines.


Pregnant teenagers who require support can reach out to Babes Pregnancy, a non-profit agency that provides emotional support, information and resources to make informed decisions on their pregnancy.

A 24-hour helpline (6206 6641) is available for teens in crisis to contact.

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