Woodlands basketball court hoops locked up nightly, Bedok North street soccer court closed temporarily in response to noise complaints

Town councils close sports spaces over noise complaints, sparking debate.

Ruth Chai | December 31, 2023, 07:35 PM



A spate of complaints about noise by residents in some parts of Singapore has led to the closure of several sports amenities located close to blocks of HDB flats.

Youths would reportedly often play games and sports late into night or during the wee hours of the morning.

The commotion subsequently drew the ire of residents living in the vicinity, who complained to their respective town councils.

Follow-up actions were subsequently taken.

Basketball court locked up overnight

A basketball court located near Block 338 Woodlands Avenue 1 closes at 9:30pm every night.

When a Shin Min Daily News reporter visited the court at night, it was observed that the lights were still on despite both basketball hoops already locked.

The hoops were connected to an iron frame that can directly prevent the use of the baskets.

Notices were also put up reminding those present to be considerate to residents and to keep noise levels to a minimum.

A resident named Zari, 27, who lives on the first floor of the adjacent HDB block, revealed that the town council personnel would go to the court at 9:30pm to lock the hoops, and stop those who are playing.

They would then return at 9am to unlock the hoops.

He pointed out that the town council started doing this since June 2023, and believed that it was due to noise complaints from residents that catalysed this change.

Zari said people used to play at the court into the wee hours of the morning, and would shout when things got exciting, which would disturb the residents' sleep.

He added that there was a badminton court next to the basketball court.

Often, youths would gather to play sepak takraw at around 10pm.

Zari believed that it would be fairer to close both courts and turn off their lights at 10pm.

Chen, another resident, said the shouts of basketball players in the early hours of the morning would wake him and his family up.

However, since the closure of the courts at night, the situation has improved substantially.

Football pitch locked indefinitely

Youths play day and night

In another part of Singapore, a street soccer court located near Block 422 Bedok North Road has been closed temporarily since the middle of December 2023.

Residents complained that youths were too loud when playing football late at night.

This prompted town council staff to close the premises temporarily.

Speaking to Shin Min, Musa (transliterated from Chinese), 68, a resident, said the situation was so bad that could not get a good night's rest, which affected his work as a technician.

He said the youths would often play day and night.

In order to avoid the noise, he would go to the nearby hawker centre for a few hours to get a moment of peace and quiet.

After reminding the youths to be quiet time and time again, he eventually reported the case to the town council.

Musa had also noticed urine stains on the HDB block's stairwell, and suspected that those playing football come to the stairwell to relieve themselves.

Youths might play at the void deck instead

However, other residents think that there is no need to close the pitch.

An elderly resident said her four grandchildren would play at the football court every week.

As the court is closed, the children have no place to play.

Some residents are also worried that the children would now play at the void deck, which could potentially injure other residents.

A resident named Bai, said she had seen children playing football at the void deck before, and had been hit by the football several times.

She was worried that more children would move to the void deck to play now that the football court is closed.

This is a cause for concern for her since she has an elderly mother who moves slowly, and might be seriously injured if she gets hit by a football.

Town council open to alternatives

The mixed reaction prompted East Coast GRC Member of Parliament Tan Kiat How to address the issue in a Facebook post.

"Some folks have asked good questions like whether we have considered alternatives while others have tried to stir up unhappiness over this issue by linking it to unrelated matters," he wrote.

"We are exploring alternatives to closing the court and hence it is a temporary closure. We are also discussing with the residents there on their preference, and hopefully meeting the needs of all groups," Tan added.

Top photo via The Monitor Singapore & Tan Kiat How Facebook