S'pore's 1st 2023 Christmas baby born 3 weeks early at NUH

Christmas baby.

Syahindah Ishak | Alfie Kwa | December 26, 2023, 11:36 AM



A couple in Singapore was expecting their first-born child in January 2024.

Instead, the Chuahs welcomed their baby boy three weeks early, at 12:42am on Christmas day, Dec. 25, 2023.

Singapore's first Christmas baby in 2023

National University Hospital (NUH) posted a picture of the Chuahs and their newborn baby, saying that this was Singapore's first 2023 Christmas baby.

The hospital wrote:

"Congratulations to the proud parents, Mr and Mrs Chuah on the arrival of their bundle of joy. Wishing the family a season filled with love, warmth and beautiful moments!"

Water broke on Christmas Eve morning

Responding to queries from Mothership, NUH said the baby, who has yet to be named, weighed 2.4kg at birth.

The Chuahs, who have been married for over a year, were told that the baby's original due date was Jan. 14, 2024.

But at around 5am on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), Mrs Chuah's water broke suddenly while she was sleeping, according to 8World.

Together with her husband, the couple quickly took a taxi to the hospital.

Mrs Chuah said she did not encounter any major problems during her pregnancy, but that the delivery process was "very painful", reported 8World.

Fortunately, her husband was by her side through it all, providing the support she needed.

He stayed with her in the delivery room for more than 10 hours, 8World reported.

Mrs Chuah said she felt surprised as she never thought she would give birth to a Christmas baby.

When asked if she would be worried if her child was born three weeks early, she revealed that her pregnancy was already in its full term, so she wasn't apprehensive.

Top image via National University Hospital/Facebook.