Motorcyclist, 28, who died in Woodlands Road 7-vehicle accident, was married exactly 2 months ago

He was a mechanic who worked nearby.

Ruth Chai | December 17, 2023, 05:47 PM



A 28-year-old motorcyclist died following a chain collision involving seven vehicles on Dec. 16, 2023, at the junction of Woodlands Road and Mandai Estate.

He was recently married on Oct. 16, 2023, exactly two months before he passed.

Pinned under a lorry

The motorcyclist was found trapped beneath a lorry following an accident involving the motorcycle, four lorries, and two trucks at about 12:05pm.

Image via Shin Min Daily News from

Responding to Mothership's queries, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said they had to use hydraulic rescue equipment to rescue the motorcyclist and a driver trapped in another lorry.

They managed to release both of them, but the motorcyclist was pronounced dead on the scene.

A 54-year-old male truck driver suspected of careless driving causing death has been arrested. 

Married two months ago

Shin Min reported that the 28-year-old deceased man was a mechanic who worked nearby.

His brother-in-law told reporters at the mortuary that he and around eight to nine family members arrived to collect his body on Dec. 17, 2023, morning.

However, the deceased's mother and wife were too grief-stricken to go down.

He said the deceased was the third of four siblings, and their father died when they were younger.

Family seen crying at the scene

Shin Min reporters noted that the police had cordoned off a large area of the scene. There was also a blue tent set up.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

There were brake marks on the road where the accident occurred.

The vehicles involved were all scattered around the road and had varying degrees of damage.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

Two men and women in their 20s believed to be family members of the deceased, arrived at the scene to identify the body.

They were crying bitterly and hugged each other for support.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

Another motorcyclist claimed he narrowly escaped

A 25-year-old motorcyclist who was at the accident scene told Shin Min the truck which killed the deceased narrowly missed him.

He said he just completed a delivery with a friend who was driving a lorry.

The motorcyclist said they stopped at the junction to wait for the traffic light when the truck came out of nowhere with no warning, zoomed past him and hit his friend's lorry right in front of him.

"I have no idea how the truck missed me, and I'm still terrified by the near miss," he told reporters.

Top photo via Shin Min