S'pore to start screening incoming travellers for vapes, schools will report vaping offenders to HSA 

MOH and other government agencies are stepping up enforcement and education efforts against vaping.

Hannah Martens | December 19, 2023, 09:49 PM



The Ministry of Health (MOH) and other government agencies jointly announced new enhanced measures against vaping on Dec. 19, 2023.

These new measures include working with enforcement authorities to disrupt sales and supply, improving the detection and removal of sales and advertisements online, and boosting education in the community.

MOH said that this multi-agency approach aims to protect the population from harmful tobacco products and prevent vaping from being entrenched in Singapore.

Current measures

Currently, electronic vaporisers (e-vaporisers) are illegal in Singapore, and under the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act, the possession, use or purchase of e-vaporisers carries a maximum fine of S$2,000.

It is also an offence to import, distribute, sell or offer the sale of e-vaporisers and their components. Persons convicted of such offences can be fined up to S$10,000 or imprisoned for up to six months or both for the first offence.

Subsequent offences could lead to a fine of S$20,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 months or both.

Despite the illegality of e-vaporisers, the authorities observed that some users continue to buy e-vaporisers online through messaging applications such as Telegram or when they go overseas.

"We are therefore taking measures to protect our population and prevent vapes from taking hold in our society," said MOH.

Screening at checkpoints

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) will conduct inter-agency operations at land, air, and sea checkpoints in the coming months.

Starting with Changi Airport, incoming passengers may be screened for e-vaporisers and their components at the arrival halls.

Those found with e-vaporisers or their components will be fined.

Incoming passengers who arrive with e-vaporisers or their components should pass through the Red Channel at the checkpoints and declare the possession of e-vaporisers to the checkpoint officers so that they can dispose of the e-vaporisers into disposal bins.

Travellers who declare and surrender these items at the Red Channel will avoid penalties.

Those who do not declare to ICA checkpoint officers and are found with e-vaporisers in their possession may be liable to fines under the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act.

"ICA will also continue to conduct security checks and work with relevant authorities to detect and deter smuggling attempts," said MOH.

To counter the online sales of e-vaporisers, MOH and HSA are also working with the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to step up enforcement to improve the detection and removal of sales and advertisements of e-vaporisers online.

Step up enforcement in the community

MOH and HSA are working with agencies like the Ministry of Education (MOE), the National Environment Agency (NEA), the National Parks Board (NParks) and the Singapore Police Force to step up enforcement against the possession and use of e-vaporisers locally.

As of Dec. 1, 2023, NEA's enforcement officers have the power to take action against individuals who use or possess e-vaporisers, and cases have been referred to HSA.

Checks at public hotspots, such as the central business district, shopping centres, parks and smoking areas, and public entertainment outlets like bars and clubs will be increased.

Offenders will be issued a fine on the spot by enforcement officers.

Schools and IHLs to report offenders to HSA

Schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) will also strengthen their enforcement efforts and detection against vaping.

Students caught using or in possession of e-vaporisers will have the product confiscated. Parents will be notified, and the schools will report the offender to HSA.

Vaping-related offences will be managed through existing disciplinary frameworks, which include school-based disciplinary actions like suspension or caning for boys.

Students caught vaping will also be placed on cessation support programmes where counsellors will "guide them through their cessation journey to effect long-term behavioural change".

The Health Promotion Board (HPB) will continue working with MOE to amplify anti-vaping messages in educational materials and preventive programmes.

Parents are also encouraged to have a serious conversation with their children about vaping to prevent it from becoming a life-long habit.

HPB will also intensify public education efforts through campaigns and greater signage visibility in public areas.

Top photo via Unsplash