Snake swallows bird whole in Bukit Panjang park

Birb snack.

Daniel Seow | November 24, 2023, 12:51 PM



An oriental whip snake was caught on camera having its meal at Zhenghua Nature Park in Bukit Panjang, on Nov. 21.

It's choice of food? An entire sparrow, which the luminous green snake swallowed whole.

The eye-catching sight was shared in a post on the "Singapore Wildlife Sightings" group by user "Ah Sia Lim" the next day.

Swallowed whole

In the post's caption, Lim wrote that his group came across the snake in the morning, while on their regular Tuesday walk.

Footage showed the bright green-hued snake coiled around the branches of a tree along one of the park's walking paths, with a brown sparrow clasped firmly in its jaws.

Screenshot from Ah Sia Lim on Facebook.

Half of the bird's lifeless body, including its head, had already been swallowed by the snake.

As Lim took some close-up footage of the reptile, it briefly rocked the bird back and forth before freezing in place.

It did not move a muscle even when a butterfly flitted past.

Image from Ah Sia Lim on Facebook.

Image from Ah Sia Lim on Facebook.

Lim wrote in a response to a comment that he did not manage to stay until the snake swallowed the bird entirely.

Online users respond

Some users were impressed by the footage, and noted that it looked like a big meal for the reptile.

"Snake Shack Burger," one user quipped, referencing the famous American burger chain.

Other users opined that Lim should not have taken such close up shots while the creature was eating its prey.

They warned that this could have stressed out the snake and made it abandon its meal, which would cause the bird's death to be in vain.

What are oriental whip snakes?

Oriental whip snakes are native to Singapore, and is mildly venomous, according to NParks.

Their striking green colour allows them to easily camouflage amongst foliage.

They can grow up to 1.9m long, and feed on small animals including lizards, frogs and small birds.

However, they are shy and docile, and prefer to stay away from people.

Typically, they can be found in wooded areas and suburban parks and gardens, and tend to live amongst trees and bushes.

Those who do encounter an oriental whip snake are advised to stay calm, and back away slowly.

Do not approach the snake or attempt to handle it.

If you have pets with you, keep them on a tight leash as they might chase and frighten the snake.

You can also call the NParks hotline at 1800-476 1600 if you need assistance.

Other snake stories:

Top image from Ah Sia Lim on Facebook.