OCBC & Care Corner S'pore to reach out to over 3,500 low-income seniors to fight social isolation

The one-year initiative will involve over 1000 volunteers from OCBC.

Fiona Tan | November 03, 2023, 10:48 AM



OCBC and Care Corner Singapore launched a programme on Nov. 1, 2023 to address social isolation amongst seniors from low-income families.

Both organisations aim to reach out to over 3,500 seniors above the age of 60 through the one-year programme.

A majority of these seniors are living in one-, two-, or three-room HDB flats in Marsiling and Woodlands.

To achieve this, a total of more than 1,000 OCBC staff will volunteer and go door to door to engage these seniors.

OCBC staff volunteers visit seniors at home

Each month, about 100 OCBC staff volunteers will make house visits to seniors as part of the "Care Corner ElderConnect supported by OCBC" programme, OCBC said in its media release.

Image from OCBC.

They will check on the seniors' well-being and encourage them to step out of their houses and join the activities organised by OCBC and Care Corner Singapore's Active Ageing Centres (AACs).

Volunteers will also regularly visit seniors who may require some persuasion to come out of their shells and join the activities, which include Taiji and basic stretching.

There are also wellness workshops to educate on seniors how to improve their physical and cognitive health, such as healthy eating habits classes.

Image from Zaqy Mohamad/Facebook.

The programme hopes to provide seniors with a safe and conducive environment for social networking and interactions.

With OCBC's support, these activities will extend to at least eight void decks and neighbourhood pavilions, beyond the 2 AACs in Marsiling and Woodlands.

The bank hopes to make the programme more accessible to seniors, especially those who face mobility issues or stay relatively further from community nodes like AACs.

Zaqy: Seniors say they have benefitted

Senior Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad, who is the Member of Parliament for Marsiling-Yew Tee Group Representation Constituency, formally launched the programme at Care Corner Singapore's AAC in Marsiling on Nov. 1.

Image from Zaqy Mohamad/Facebook.

100 seniors attended the launch and they were accompanied by 100 OCBC staff volunteers and Care Corner Singapore's social workers.

Zaqy said in a Facebook post that he had the privilege to speak to some of the senior attendees and hear how they were benefitting for the AAC's programmes.

Image from Zaqy Mohamad/Facebook.

Image from OCBC.

"Their stories were truly inspiring as they shared how these initiatives have helped them make new friends, find new meaning in life, and have something to look forward to daily."

On this note, Zaqy commended that the partnership between OCBC and Care Corner Singapore showcased the power of community and collaboration.

"It's wonderful to see how together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of our seniors," he added.

Image from Zaqy Mohamad/Facebook.

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