185cm tall police officer at Asian Games dubbed 'most handsome police officer' in Hangzhou, China

He's so tall and handsome as hell.

Winnie Li | October 03, 2023, 02:22 PM



A police officer in Hangzhou, China, was labelled as "the most handsome police officer" by Chinese online users after a video of him standing on the streets and helping an elderly man went viral on Chinese social media.

According to one video posted on Xiaohongshu, the police officer was 185cm tall and was on duty for the 19th Asian Games, which is currently being held in Hangzhou.

The user who posted the clip also quipped in the caption that the police officer's legs are longer than her life.

Screenshot via 杭州么么茶酱biu/Xiaohongshu

Many gathered to take photos & videos of police officer

After the video of the police officer went viral, many people purposely headed down to his patrol area to take photos and videos of him.

The scene was captured by another Xiaohongshu user and uploaded to the social media platform.

Video via 游荡的小面包/Xiaohongshu

In the clip, at least seven individuals could be seen taking photos and videos of the police officer.

A woman dressed in a white shirt and a grey skirt even brought a professional camera for the occasion.

Another woman wearing a light brown dress also ran up to the police officer so that she could take a photo of him.

Police officer remains humble

However, this sudden popularity did not make the police officer publicity-shy or arrogant.

In an interview with Hangzhou Daily, the police officer, surnamed Gu, said he did not regard himself as different from his colleagues, as they were all there to ensure the 19th Asian Games went smoothly.

Gu also added that the public can reach out to police officers if they encounter any difficulties, and all police officers are handsome.

Top images via 杭州么么茶酱biu/Xiaohongshu & Hangzhou Daily/Weibo