Diner at SGH food court charged S$2.20 for hashbrown listed as 'Fish Fillet' in receipt, paid S$8 in total

Is hashbrown fish or potato?

Joshua Lee | October 26, 2023, 05:32 PM



Another diner has taken to Facebook to complain about supposedly being overcharged for food bought from a stall at the Koufu food court in Singapore General Hospital (SGH).

This came after another diner took to Facebook days earlier to complain about paying S$8 for a vegetarian meal, which Koufu has since clarified should indeed have cost S$7 and is looking to refund the extra amount that the customer paid.

S$2.20 for hashbrown

Two photos of the meal showed a receipt, as well as a plate of white rice topped with chicken, vegetables and a piece of hashbrown.


However, the itemised bill listed "fish fillet", which is understood to refer to the hashbrown, which was priced as S$2.20.

The caption of the post read:

"Isn't hashbrown a potato? But she charge me under fish fillet. She said it's still meat item. Like seriously?"

The customer added that the meal was from the nasi padang food stall.

The receipt revealed that the food was bought from the "Malay Food" stall.

In response to the post, one commenter quipped if the hashbrown contained meat.

The diner responded and clarified that there was only potato.

Another asked: "When potato become fish?"

Koufu response

In response to Mothership's query, Koufu confirmed the hashbrown is a product sold by the nasi padang stall, but it is not part of the menu.

This resulted in the point-of-sale system not having a dedicated product key created for it, Koufu explained, which was why it was reflected as a different product in the itemised receipt.

The food court operator added that it will review the pricing with the tenant and has also reached out to the customer.

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