Driver, believed to have been drink driving, ran away after police stopped car near Arab Street

The police caught him eventually.

Joshua Lee | October 30, 2023, 12:25 PM



A man, who was suspected of drink driving, reportedly ran away on foot after the vehicle he was in was stopped by the police in the Lavender area, Shin Min Daily News reported.

The incident took place at 4am on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023.

The black and white car was along Jalan Sultan, beside Block 462 Crawford Lane, close to the road junction with North Bridge Road.

An eyewitness, a resident in the area, said a man was seen taken away by the police.

The male driver was believed to have been instructed to stop by the police near the junction of Jalan Sultan and Victoria Street.

However, after pulling over and stopping, the man allegedly abandoned the vehicle and ran away towards Arab Street.

He was finally subdued in the back alley of Jalan Klapa.

Several plainclothes and uniformed police officers were at the scene by dawn, it was reported.

Top image via Shin Min Daily News