Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin apologises to MP Jamus Lim for using unparliamentary language caught on hot mic

Tan said he did not recall the occasion but has apologised for the reaction after listening to the recording.

Zhangxin Zheng | July 11, 2023, 09:48 AM

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Speaker of the Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin has apologised publicly and also privately to Sengkang GRC MP Jamus Lim for using unparliamentary language during a parliament sitting

He has written a Facebook post on Jul. 11 morning, responding to a video clip that has been circulating online recently

The video clip, a recording of a Parliament sitting on Apr. 17, 2023, surfaced three months later.

Did not recall the occasion but apologised to MP Jamus Lim

A Reddit post on Jul. 11 claimed Tan muttered "f*cking populist" during that sitting in April.

The moment occured after Tan called on Sembawang GRC MP Vikram Nair to speak after Lim.

While Tan said he did not recall the occasion, he said that "based on the clip it appears that I had a reaction to a speech made in the chamber".

Tan apologised for expressing his views aloud or in unparliamentary language, after listening to the recording that has been circulated around.

Tan also said that he has apologised to Lim which the latter has "kindly accepted".

Here's his full response on his Facebook post:

"There is a recording of a Parliament sitting in April this year that has been circulating. I had to listen to the recording as I did not recall the occasion.

Based on the clip it appears that I had a reaction to a speech made in the chamber.

When I listen to speeches made, like everyone, I do form views on them. What was said were my private thoughts which I had muttered to myself and not to anyone.

However I should not have expressed them aloud or in unparliamentary language, and I apologise for that.

I have also spoken to the Member, A/P Jamus Lim, to make that apology as well; which he has kindly accepted."

Top image via MCI Singapore/YouTube