CCTV cam catches man in Grab uniform doing a massive poo at Geylang HDB common corridor

Emergency evacuation.

Sulaiman Daud | July 31, 2023, 05:31 PM

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A CCTV camera at a HDB block in Lengkong Tiga, Geylang captured a shocking scene: a man wearing what appeared to be a Grab uniform pulled down his pants and shat all over the floor of a HDB common corridor.

Photo from Chew.

Mothership reader surnamed Chew said the video was taken on his camera on Jul. 29, at around noon.

The footage begins with a shot of a staircase landing, from what appears to be the front door of a flat.

A man wearing what looks like the green long-sleeved Grab t-shirt comes down the stairs from the floor above.

Photo from Chew.

Looking around furtively, he pulls down his bermudas and does a half-squat.

Photo from Chew.

The man appears to proceed to evacuate his bowels, with some force, all over the floor.

Then neglecting to wipe himself, he pulls up his bermudas and walks away, slightly bow-legged.

He leaves the mess behind on the floor.

Photo from Chew.


Top image from Chew.