Man, 18, allegedly stabs man in the neck at SIM headquarters in Clementi

The weapon was believed to be a pair of scissors.

Kerr Puay Hian | July 01, 2023, 02:17 PM

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An 18-year-old man allegedly stabbed another man in the neck at the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) Headquarters along Clementi Road on Jun. 30, 2023.

The incident occurred around 12:12pm.

An Instagram user said the stabbing happened near an event, and the campus was "crawling with auxiliary police".

Weapon believed to be a pair of scissors

Thevendran Rao Rejendran, a Malaysian, was charged in court on Jul. 1, 2023, with one count of voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon.

He allegedly stabbed the victim in the neck with what investigators believe to be a pair of scissors.

According to court records, Thevendran and his victim are colleagues.

They are cleaners.

The prosecuting officer asked for time for the police to complete their investigations and obtain the victim's medical reports from the hospital.

If found guilty, he faces an imprisonment term of up to 7 years, a fine, caning, or any combination of such punishments.

Top image via Facebook & Instagram/yinzjoee