4 ministers to address rental of Ridout Road bungalows in parliament sitting on Jul. 3

Parliament resumes at 11am on Jul. 3, 2023.

Hannah Martens | July 01, 2023, 12:14 PM

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The rentals of black-and-white bungalows on Ridout Road by two ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan will be addressed at the next parliament sitting on Monday (Jul 3).

Four ministers - Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean, Ministers Edwin Tong, K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan - will deliver ministerial statements on the subject, with Members of Parliament (MPs) raising more than 20 questions about the issue.

This follows the release of the reports by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and SM Teo on the two ministers' renting of the black and white bungalows at Ridout Road.

Teo's statement will be a review of the rentals of 26 and 31 Ridout Road, while Tong, Second Minister for Law, will give a statement on the rentals of state properties.

Both Vivian and Shanmugam will give a statement on their own regarding the properties they rented.

23 parliamentary questions

These statements will address 23 parliamentary questions filed by the MPs regarding the Ridout Road saga.

Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh put forth three questions, asking how the Government will assure the public that Shanmugam and Vivian did not receive any privileged information and why the government did not call a press conference in May 2023 to address the public allegations.

Progress Singapore Party's secretary-general Leong Mun Wai asked which senior Cabinet member Shanmugam notified about his bidding for 26 Ridout Road and why Teo was tasked to review Shanmugam and Vivian's tenancy of the Ridout Road properties.

People's Action Party (PAP) MPs Murali Pillai, Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim, Don Wee and Sitoh Yih Pin have also put forth questions regarding the Ridout Road properties.

Tl;dr of Ridout Road reports

Teo's review of the rental of state properties at Ridout Road concluded that there was no abuse of power or conflict of interest.

The CPIB report found no evidence of corruption or criminal wrongdoing by the Ministers.

In addition, CPIB found no preferential treatment was given to the Ministers and their spouses and no disclosure of privileged information in the process of the rental transactions.

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